WILDFIT is a health program but I have to admit, I signed up for the weightloss. I was desperate to shed those extra kilos. During my three-month journey I managed to release "only" the half of them, but I was over the moon.

WILDFIT turned out to be a major transformation. Yes, there were no more migraines, no more urinary infections, my digestion was better than ever, besides I became unstoppable but most importantly it gave back my self-confidence and self-respect. That is priceless.

It is never you who fail diets, it is diets that fail you. 

Nothing tastes better than health and feeling fine in your body. 

This is my husband, Guillermo. He had been on medication for high blood pressure for several years, but in 2015 he was also diagnosed with diabetes type 2, hypothyroidism and coronary issues, so he ended up taking 15 pills a day. 

He joined WILDFIT to take his health in his own hands. From 15 pills, he is down to 1 per day. His doctors are amazed by his health transformation.