What if ALL your days were like Christmas Day?

What if all your days would be like Chrismas Day_ 1png
If I had to describe Christmas with one word, I would definitely choose JOY. And I have to tell you, that being back in my size and shape has been a constant resource of genuine joy in my life for the past fifteen months.

I grew up in a family where weight loss and diet were ever topics, so despite of my slimness, I was deeply interested in both. My size and shape became part of my identity. That is why it hit me hard when past forty, I started putting on weight. You can argue that it is the inside that counts not the outside and I strongly agree with that for the rest of the world, but I was unable to like, accept and be happy with my physical aspect. It was not my family, not my friends, not the rest of the world, but myself.

I tried hard but nothing could fill the emptiness of my lost identity.

I joined WILDFIT with the promise of weight loss. I was prepared to apply changes in my diet, but it happened to be a complete personal transformation. It was a journey to discover why I got where I was. It pointed out emotional issues and helped to find ways to handle them.

I did not only recover my desired weight, but it has built back my self-respect, my self-confidence, and my self-love. No possession will make you happier than being your best version.

It is more than possible to recover, to reborn, to grow, to start a new chapter at any age. Would you like to try? Come and join our next Challenge!
